What is Dab Reclaim?


Dab reclaim is the name given to any unvaporized wax that accumulates in your rig after each session and solidifies at its edges and base. Choose the best reclaim catcher.

Cannabis testing labs have confirmed that Reclaim contains high concentrations of THC, often reaching up to 60%. They have also discovered it includes many other cannabinoids, such as CBN.

How to Collect Reclaim

Reclaim is the residue left from dabbing sessions when their residue melts and solidifies on the inside walls of your dab rig, leaving behind residue that you can collect and recycle for later dabbing sessions, adding it to existing concentrates to increase potency and flavor. Reclaim also has its benefits, as it contains high concentrations of THC, while CBD acts as an anxiolytic and analgesic to soothe any tension or anxiety in the mind.

Reclaimed concentrates are more sticky than other concentrates and less flexible when handled; this can be overcome with heat application to their surface. To do this, use a torch to apply intense heat directly underneath your rig. You should see the reclaimed loosen and drip down into your dab chamber. Once this has happened, transferring it onto a non-stick surface is easy, so dabbing becomes part of your everyday experience.

Dab reclaim is an ideal ingredient to use when creating edible products, as it has been decarboxylated and can easily be added to oil or butter recipes. With high concentrations of THC and CBN levels – estimated by MCR labs as anywhere from 40%-60% THC content – Dab Reclaim makes for an exceptional addition to cannabis butter recipes!

Reclaim can be consumed just like any other cannabis extract, though its taste or terpene profile will likely differ considerably from your original dab. For an enjoyable experience, combine it with something sweet to hide its dirty and gritty hashish-like taste.

Reclaiming cannabis waste (reclaim) for topical applications is another practical use for it, given its high concentration of active cannabinoids. Reclaim is particularly suited to creating topical solutions like ointments, oils, and salves due to its potency; just ensure it has been sufficiently dried and purified first by applying more intense heat or using an air dryer – either method will expedite this process, and remove any extra moisture that might remain.

How to Clean Your Rig

Once you begin dabbing regularly, your rig can become quite filthy. Sticky, dark residue can make the experience less enjoyable and may leave an unpleasant aftertaste in your mouth; additionally, this residue contains unvaporized cannabinoids, which you don’t want to inhale. By regularly cleaning it, however, you can avoid all this grossness – cleaning rigs are pretty simple, as you can reuse old Reclaim for future sessions – provided you use your dirty rig, nail, and banger, torch light rubbing alcohol coarse salt along with sealable plastic containers/plastic containers/ plastic sealable plastic bags/containers/cotton swabs, etc. for future sessions reclaim reuse! To clean correctly, you’ll need your dirty rig nail banger torch light and sealable plastic bags/containers/cotton swabs.

First, use a dab tool or paper clip to remove any remaining reclaim from the rig to minimize time spent cleaning later. Second, fill approximately half the chamber of your rig with either isopropyl alcohol or grain alcohol and plug the mouthpiece and joint using rubber plugs or fingers before shaking the alcohol solution over it—leaving longer soak times or overnight for particularly dirty units may help.

After soaking, use cotton swabs to rub away any hardened residue from your rig with cotton swabs. Alternatively, a blowtorch may help soften and melt it away faster, or flipping over the wax or baking paper and allowing any drip down onto it will collect all that remains on the paper.

Once the Reclaim has been removed, pour off and drain out your solution before rinsing it with water and drying your rig entirely before reuse.

If there’s still some reclaim left after cleaning, try collecting it again with extra alcohol and salt. Although this process might take time, sacrificing some reclaim is worth the sacrifice for future use; otherwise, you can skip this step altogether.

How to Store Your Reclaim

If you have an ample supply of Reclaim, the key to adequate storage will be finding an airtight and UV-protected container to store it properly and ensure its potency doesn’t degrade with age.

Though you could dump out and discard your dab rig’s Reclaim, this is not advised; doing so would mean wasting some of the water needed for proper flow in your system. Instead, invest in either a drop-down attachment or reclaimer adapter that allows you to collect any potential reclaim before it reaches your percolator and water source.

Reclaim can be used to produce additional cannabis products, including edibles, oils, and waxes. However, due to its higher CBN and lower THC content, it will not be as potency as the original concentrate. Therefore, it should be consumed carefully as an emergency stash.

Smoking Reclaim is another method for experiencing its effects, although this may be better as the smoke tends to be harsh and leads to sore throat or headache symptoms. Furthermore, due to its higher CBN-to-THC ratio than fresh dab products, it could provide more sedating effects than usual.

Heating up your dab rig with a blowtorch will loosen and soften any residue stuck to its walls. You can then either use a dab tool to scrape off or flip it upside-down over the wax or baking paper and allow it to drip down and collect on it.

If you prefer not to get involved with cleaning up, a non-toxic cleaner such as isopropyl alcohol or grain alcohol is an effective alternative for loosening any stuck-on reclaim. Although this approach works, nothing beats simply having an attachment attached that will do this task faster.

What to Do With Your Reclaim

Reclaim the waxy residue left over from dabbing sessions can be reused in various ways. While many users discard their Reclaim after dabbing sessions are over, it’s possible to collect and reuse it – some experienced cannabis connoisseurs even use it in high-potency edibles!

Reclaimed can be enjoyed similarly to any concentrate or bud, though its high is less potency due to losing most of its terpenes and byproducts from burning the weed, potentially making its taste harsher than desired.

Some people collect and store Reclaim for future use, making it an economical way of getting high. When doing this, ensure your Reclaim does not spoil by placing it in an airtight, UV-protected container in a cool, dark area—this also includes keeping it in the freezer. Doing this may slow the degradation rate but still result in some potency loss due to cold temperatures affecting THC degradation.

Reclaim can also be utilized by mixing it with cooking oils such as coconut or olive, then infusing it into food. This technique helps mask its smell and taste while still delivering robust flavor. As it has already undergone decarboxylation, using it in this manner does not require extra heat for heating purposes.

Reclaim can also be dissolved in solvents and then drizzled onto wax paper to dab, although its potency will likely be lower due to its lack of terpenes. Furthermore, it could contain harmful traces from butane solvents used during its creation that may pose health risks.

Those planning on using their Reclaim for cooking should opt for higher-concentration alcohol, such as isopropyl. This will enable faster evaporation while remaining safer—for instance, using isopropyl instead of more volatile solutions like acetone could prove useful.

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